An Apology from Ronald JoeMaggard Sep 17, 01:28 PM [ Reply ]
Dear Friends, Sometimes we just plain mess up, it happens to us all. We make a mistake that we regret. I made a mistake when I made a joke about the Olsens. It was in hindsight in poor taste and I want to apologize to the Olsens and to You. In a lame attempt to be funny, I chose to go for a cheap laugh at Mary Kate's expense, and I'm sorry for it. My Bad! Love and Peace, Joe
re: An Apology from Ronald Eva 1 Sep 17, 01:36 PM [ Reply ]
Thanks Joe. Then what do you think of Morgan's tactics of zooming in on overweight stomachs and winking at the camera when they pass by - all for a laugh. Somewhat insensitive and crass, wouldn't you agree?
re: An Apology from Ronald JoeMaggard Sep 17, 02:36 PM [ Reply ]
Your welcome, and at the risk of being called Morgan's female dog, I must say that I didnt interpret it as making fun of anything but himself and McDonalds. Hey listen, I am what you might call husky, or big boned myself, ok fat...there I said it, and the only thing SuperSizeMe made me ashamed of was my personal eating habits. How could anyone fault a film that could possibly save peoples lives? consider the message, make healthy food and lifestyle choices...xxooxx ATB Joe
re: An Apology from Ronald Eva 1 Sep 17, 02:54 PM [ Reply ]
The eating habit message was only part of the message. I'm sorry but he was say "look at the fatties" when he made his 'mockumentary'.
Trailing off your later statements, given the enormous amount of statistical individuals who are above the normal BMI index- it is reasonable to assume that the calculations for BMI are not accurate nor are they representative of the "average" person.
Yes watch we eat. But ultimately its our own responsiblity to do so. Finally, parents drive their kids to Mcd's - so the "brainwashing the kids" argument is weak.