The new mcdonalds commerical Zeus 1 Sep 19, 12:00 PM [ Reply ]
Has anyone seen it? It shows a mother that can't get her kids to leave the playground, so she airs out an old mcdonalds bag and the kiddies come running to the car. Amazing how low mcdonalds is willing to go to hook the kids on their fattining crappy food.
And another thing, why do they always show cool skinny people that are like really active eating their food, but never fatsos sitting on a couch watching tv saying "I'm lovin it!"
re: The new mcdonalds commeric salad master Sep 19, 12:46 PM [ Reply ]
the kids are paid actors. they are not really hooked on mc donalds. its just an ad.
re: The new mcdonalds commeric JoeMaggard Sep 19, 02:37 PM [ Reply ]
While shooting a McDonalds commercial I saw grown man sit and cry like a baby because his beautiful little girl wouldn't stop looking at the camera. Its kinda funny really, here was the kid perfectly fine with being fired, her parents crying like babies...he wanted a new boat, the producers walked by him sittin' there crying like he didnt exist. Brought in twins to replace her as I recall, little pro's who never missed a beat. My point is that to McDonalds people are all too often deemed despensable and disposable. I think their motto is Use em, abuse em, and lose em. Just a clown who happened to work on a few McDonalds commercials. Peace and Love, Joe
re: The new mcdonalds commeric salad master Sep 19, 03:22 PM [ Reply ]
since when are tv commercial producers considerded " mc donalds people" is that something new now?
re: The new mcdonalds commeric JoeMaggard Sep 19, 03:50 PM [ Reply ]
maybe I should have put a comma between the McDonalds and people. Ok, at least since they gave me my Ronald McDonald costume, or at the very least since those last three Producers I worked with had Golden Arches sticking out of their ass's. You want names Salad Man? ATB Joe
re: The new mcdonalds commeric U Know Who Sep 19, 05:32 PM [ Reply ]
McD bought 'em so they own 'em in a way calling them MmcDonalds people is accurate.
re: The new mcdonalds commeric FatKid Sep 19, 12:49 PM [ Reply ]
I'm Lovin it!!!!
re: The new mcdonalds commeric salad master Sep 19, 09:32 PM [ Reply ]
*Yawn* not impressed. It would be the same with any TV commercial production team. A major corperation like McDonalds is not responsible for the actions of every single person they employ from the TV comercial producers to the cashier at the local franchise. its obsurd to think otherwise, and if they had a golden arch sticking out of their ass then what were they working for? shouldnt need any money then
re: The new mcdonalds commeric JoeMaggard Sep 19, 10:52 PM [ Reply ]
yawn? McDonald's is not responsible for their employees from the producers to the cashier, then who is responsible Mr. Saladgreens, Mayor McCheese?
re: The new mcdonalds commeric salad master Sep 20, 05:31 AM [ Reply ]
*lets blame Mcdonalds* infact, im having a bad hair day, whos to blame!
re: The new mcdonalds commeric JoeMaggard Sep 20, 11:08 AM [ Reply ]