Thoughts and things from the mind of Ronald McDonald
DVD Comes Out Tuesday 9/28
Published on September 26, 2004 By RonaldMcDonald In Current Events
Ronald's Lovin' SuperSizeMe... JoeMaggard Sep 26, 02:43 PM [ Reply ]
Hey everybody, despite all the corporate McRobots sent to disrupt this board with McPropaganda, people are engaging in very healthy dialog and debate about wise eating choices and habits. Now I defy anyone, and most certainly McDonald's, to say that debate and dialog, due directly to this Movie, is not a good thing for us all. Morgan Spurlock's art has had a tremendous positive effect on society, what a wonderful thing for an artist to achieve. Let the debates continue my friends...who knows we might learn something? Peace and Love, Joe

on Oct 04, 2004
McDonalds suck lousy food no good for ones health stick to Greek and Turkish food its better why because Greeks and Turks are the best we have the best diet we live healthier than the rest