Our competitors can try to copy many of our secrets, but they cannot duplicate our pride, our enthusiasm and our dedication for this business. There is no single factor more important than the dedication and effort of McDonald's employees. The McDonald's spirit is exclusively ours and yours."
- Andrew Taylor, President and CEO of McDonalds UK
Why is Coca Cola So Healthy?
Because it is "providing water, and I think that is part of a balanced diet".
David Green, Senior Vice-President of Marketing (USA) in the witness box in the Mc Libel Trial.
"They (crew members) have no guaranteed employment rights. They do not have guaranteed employment or guaranteed conditions of employment"
- Ronald Beavers, McDonalds US Vice President, 1995
"We couldn't actually pay any lower wages without falling foul of the law"
- Sid Nicholson, then McDonalds UK vice President
A survey of American schoolchildren found that ninety-six percent could identify Ronald McDonald. The only fictional character with a higher degree of recognition was Santa Claus.
- Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser
One of the glories of New York is its ethnic food, and only McDonald's and Burger King equalize us all.
- John Corry
We sold them a dream and paid them as little as possible.
- Ray Kroc, Founder of McDonald's, speaking about company employees.
It would be better if they told their children, "Go out and play in traffic."
- Dr. Taewell Banks, Director of Heart Program, DC General Hospital, on parents who allow their children to eat foods rich in unsaturated fats at fast-food restaurants.
We were taken to a fast food café where our order was fed into a computer. Our hamburger, made from the flesh of chemically impregnated cattle, had been broiled over counterfeit charcoal, placed between slices of artificially flavoured cardboard and served to us by recycled juvenile delinquents.
- Jean Michel Chapereau
In what seems like an out take from "Sleeper," scientists called "flavorists," wearing lab coats, cobble together chemicals to recreate the flavour of fresh cherries or grilled hamburgers, always keeping "mouthfeel" in mind.
- Rob Walker (NY Times book review of Fast Food Nation)