From the SuperSizeMe Board
Media Manipulated by McDonalds JoeMaggard Oct 16, 01:48 PM [ Reply ]
Less than 2 weeks ago, over 100 people were sickened by catching staph from eating at McDonald's in Ohio. Many of these folks had to be hospitalized. Yet, the only media attention this received was from the local press and it was short lived. McDonald's once again proves they have the power to influence what the public hears and reads. By holding this $1.4 Billion sword over the media's head, McDonald's manipulates and controls the news media into killing stories that might paint them in a negative light. Doesn't the public deserve to know McDonald's is peddling McStaph? Would maybe some Mom in Texas think twice about that Happy Meal if she had known 100 people caught a germ(staph)from McDonald's that can kill you? Food for thought, Peace and Love...Joe
re: Media Manipulated by McDon John Higgins Oct 16, 03:42 PM [ Reply ]
>>> Doesn't the public deserve to know McDonald's is
>>> peddling McStaph?
"peddling?" Is that really the choice of words you want to use here, joe? damn you are one bitter ex-clown.
>>> Yet, the only media attention this received
>>> was from the local press and it was short lived.
ummm... it only happened to Ohio people. It is not national news, my man. If it were, the blogosphere would have picked it up. Don't worry about corporations controlling the media. if a story is newsworthy, the blog world will run with it and keep it in the news (let me know if you need examples of this). Ohio people getting the sniffles from eating mcdonalds is NOT national news.
I'll bet you there were over 50 other cases of some kind of food poising in this country last week. settle down, JM... settle down.
re: Media Manipulated by McDon JoeMaggard Oct 16, 03:57 PM [ Reply ]
hiya John, who said I'm an ex? for bitter, never in a million years John. Maybe a better word would be dissappointed at the "real" McDonald's the public is never given the chance to see. Saddened at how shabby and awful McDonald's treats people. Discouraged at how McDonald's continues to exploit and target kids with McCrap that caused obesity, diabetes and heart disease. But bitter...not a chance John.....ATB Joe
re: Media Manipulated