Thoughts and things from the mind of Ronald McDonald
From the SuperSizeMe Board
Published on October 21, 2004 By RonaldMcDonald In Business
McDonald's only cares about $$ JoeMaggard Oct 19, 07:41 PM [ Reply ]
Since science has proven beyond a doubt that the McCrap from McDonald's causes obesity, heart disease, diabetes and possibly cancer. And since McDonald's makes no bones about directly targeting kids with this same McCrap...does it stand to reason that McDonald's could care less about society's health in general and children's health in particular? Ray Kroc himself summed McDonald's conscience and ethics up when he said:
"If my competitor were drowning, I would put a hose in his mouth and turn on the water".... ATB Joe
re: McDonald's only cares abou aussie Oct 19, 08:37 PM [ Reply ]
Thats correct. Mcd is in the business of making money and there food is appealing to the mouth but not the body and they dont seem to care about that. There a socially irresponsible company with no morals and we should get a mob together with pitch forks to sought out there executive heirachy..
re: McDonald's only cares abou JoeMaggard Oct 19, 08:40 PM [ Reply ]
good post mate, bob's yer uncle! Joe
re: McDonald's only cares abou aussie Oct 19, 08:45 PM [ Reply ]
Come round and we we should throw a shrimp on the barbie and drink some beer while petting Koala's... lol
re: McDonald's only cares abou JoeMaggard Oct 19, 09:05 PM [ Reply ]

re: McDonald's only cares abou Ginger Oct 20, 08:32 AM [ Reply ]
Joe, you rule.
re: McDonald's only cares abou JoeMaggard Oct 20, 10:43 AM [ Reply ]
thanks Ginger, we are gonna make a difference or bust hell wide open trying! ATB Joe

re: McDonald's only cares abou meaghan Oct 21, 11:18 AM [ Reply ]
How true..once the masses wake up to the evils of the corporate opressors revolution will be at hand! Vive la revolution!

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